LPT: International Photo-Action

Quelle: https://www.facebook.com/events/1404763133076078/?ref=3

LPT is one of the biggest animal testing laboratories in Germany and does tests on beagle dogs, monkeys, rats, mice, birds, rabbits and several other animal species. The Close Down LPT Campaign wants to close this laboratory. If you want to help us and show your support with our campaign, please take part in this action:

1. Print out the copy which reads “I support the campaign LPT-Schließen, because…” on this page:

2. Finish the sentence with your individual statement.

3. Take a portrait picture of you and your statement and sent it to info@lpt-schliessen.org or upload it here on facebook and link your page.

The photo will be released on our homepage and elsewhere (e.g. via social networks)

The Close Down LPT Campaign is part of the animal liberation movement and thus aims at a closure of the lab. It is framed by a general critique of current human-animal relations and their violent structure. Animal are not ours to eat, wear or test on, they are someone, not something!

Please help the campaign by informing your friends and fellow activists about the campaign! For more information visit www.lpt-schliesen.org (english version coming soon). If you do not speak german, you can have a look at our photo section: