Keine Neuigkeiten von der Anhörung


No significant news came out of the hearing of the 12nd of February in Rotterdam.

At the moment we are quite sure that during the next hearing, the 26th of February, we will have a sentence.

As we know, the pm asked for 10 months of jail custody and 5 months as probation period for 3 of the 4 defendants, and 15 months of jail custody for the 4th defendant.

We will try to keep everyone up to date here on this profile as long as we know more from the hearing.

In this hard time we invite everyone, once again, to express solidarity to these activists and share far and wide this news, also in your local language and through independent medias.

Let’s show that the animal liberation movement won’t back down in front of State repression.

In solidarity, FIGHT BACK repression!

‚ Barchem 4 support group ‚